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What are period cramps?

Let’s crack the basic concept of what is it that makes you go through this ordeal. Period cramps are caused by compounds known as prostaglandins. Before your period starts each month, the level of prostaglandins in the lining of the uterus increases and is the highest on the first day. During your period, it is pretty common to feel discomfort around your abdomen, lower back, and thighs, as the muscles of your womb are contracting and relaxing to expel the built-up lining since your egg is not fertilized. The cramps you experience are nothing but your muscles at work! start age could be earlier or later than your friends, so never generalize but do see a doctor if you haven’t got your period by the age of 16.

Ways for period pain relief :

Apply Heat

Applying heat to your abdomen and lower back is an effective way of relaxing the muscles and offering period cramp relief. Perhaps a warm bath or a heating pad placed on your abdomen, or just curling up under the blanket offers period pain relief to a great extent.

Gentle Exercises

Most of us are conscious about a healthy regime, and there is no need to give up on your workout, at the same time do not overdo it. Exercises are known to release chemicals in your body called endorphins, which act as natural pain relievers.

Drink fluids

Many girls feel bloated during their period, which causes discomfort and worsens period cramps. Staying hydrated reduces bloating, and thereby offering a simple period cramp remedy. Now that’s easy!

Anti-inflammatory food

Ensure a balanced diet or look into foods to eat for a better period where you eat more vegetables and fruits, and reduce the consumption of fatty foods, for an easy period cramp remedy. Try reducing salt in your food, as excess salt intake encourages fluid retention leading to bloating.

Reduce stress and relax

Deep breathing exercises may also help in keeping any stress at bay and relaxing your mind and body, thus giving you the required period pain relief. Calming your body causes your muscles to expand and loosen, rather than them scrunching up and causing cramps.

Medicine for period cramps

Despite all these period cramp remedies if the pain persists, you may want to take an over-the-counter period pain medicine. Be sure to always seek expert advice before taking any period pain tablets. Although period cramps are common, in case of severe pain you may want to see a doctor.