Our Strategies At Work Are The Means By Which To Achieve The Desired Goals, And Achieve Your Goals And Dreams Here
Our vision is to provide good quality products for 100% period protection for India’s women and girls where hygiene cannot be compromised. To deliver safe sanitary pads that are to be used by a woman – the key is to ensure that these have been made in superior safety and hygiene conditions.
Our mission is to create hygiene products that are good for the body, community and environment in a sustainable and responsible way.
'Nothing is permanent but change." It is the realization of this philosophy that are vital cogs in the wheels of progress.
When it comes to period protection for India’s women and girls, hygiene cannot be compromised. Especially during the ongoing pandemic, preventing the risk of contamination is now more critical than ever. Access to safe menstrual products is the right of every woman & girl. It gives them greater control over their health, making them unstoppable to follow their dreams.